O Misantropo Enjaulado

O optimismo é uma preguiça do espírito. E. Herriot

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Leitura Matinal -51

Empenhamentos vitais que, pela revolta ou pela
auto-humilhação, visem um grau de promoção pessoal
que brota do desconforto na sua humana condição
são sempre suspeitos. A luta contra a usura do
Tempo e a perturbação que leva à angústia, motivada
pela certeza do termo, é infantilidade. Mas é-o
também a construção de uma personalidade de falaz
"contentinho", sem correspondência com uma Alegria
profunda e tranquila. Já dizia o genial Whitehead:
«A melhor forma de dominarmos a natureza é submetermo-
-nos a ela». De Marianne Moore,


What is our innocence,
what is our guilt? All are
naked, none is safe. And whence
is courage: the unanswared question,
the resulute doubt,-
dumbly calling, deafly listening-that
is misfortune, even death,
encourages others
and its defeat, stirs

the soul to be strong? He
sees deep and is glad, who
accedes to mortality
and in his imprisionment rises
upon himself as
the sea in a chasm, struggling to be
free and unable to be,
in its surrendering
finds its continuing.

So he who strongly feels,
behaves. The very bird,
grown taller as he sings, steels
his form straight up. Though he is captive,
his mighty singing
says, satisfaction is a lowly
thing, how pure thing is joy.
This is mortality.
this is eternity.


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